
Monitoring of the media coverage of the new Law on the protection of persons reporting or publicly disclosing information on breaches (the “Whistleblowing Law”) which transposes the requirements of Directive (EU) 2019/1937 on the protection of persons who report breaches of Union law – short analyses of the media coverage and the way the Bulgarian citizens are being informed on the issue

Bulgaria delayed the transposition of the EU Directive of Whistleblower protection in the national legislation and missed the deadline – of 17 December 2021. The Law on protection of persons reporting or publicly disclosing information on breaches (the “Whistleblowing Law”) was adopted on 27 January 2023. This adoption was preceded by back-and-forth steps of all […]

Brussels showcase for pioneering frontline action against SLAPPs

28 February 2023, 9am-1pm CET, European Parliament Room SPAAK C750 and online (; in-person registration still possible before 20 February Anti-SLAPP Legal Training event at the European Parliament will hear first insights from EU co-funded PATFox project, which has been devising Europe’s first Anti-SLAPP curriculum and organising training for lawyers across 11 EU member states PATFox […]