Southeast Europe Coalition on Whistleblower Protection is looking for pitches for fresh journalistic stories on whistleblowing and whistleblowers

Southeast Europe Coalition on Whistleblower Protection ( is looking for pitches for fresh journalistic stories on whistleblowing and whistleblowers in the following countries: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Greece, Hungary, Kosovo, Moldova, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, and Ukraine. The Coalition will pay $450 for an article of 1200 to […]

Pioneering Anti-SLAPP training coming to 11 EU member states in 2022-23

EC funded project Pioneering Anti-SLAPP Training for Freedom of Expression (PATFox) to provide training to legal professionals from autumn 2022 PATFox will design Europe’s first Anti-SLAPP curriculum for training across member states. Materials will be made freely available to all on project website Project showcase at digital rights conference RightsCon on Tuesday 7 June 12.30 CEST Strategic […]

The first European Anonymous Tipping Web Site is Available from Today

Today we release the European Anonymous Tipping web site! This is an European initiative “WIDELY EXPANDING ANONYMOUS TIPPING TECHNOLOGY DEPLOYMENT, OPERATION, AND TRUSTWORTHINESS TO COMBAT CORRUPTION IN EASTERN AND SOUTHERN EUROPE (EAT)” developed by civil society organisations from the top 10 countries with the highest level of corruption in Europe, according to Transparency International’s Corruption […]

Monitoring of the media coverage of the new Law on the protection of persons reporting or publicly disclosing information on breaches (the “Whistleblowing Law”) which transposes the requirements of Directive (EU) 2019/1937 on the protection of persons who report breaches of Union law – short analyses of the media coverage and the way the Bulgarian citizens are being informed on the issue

Bulgaria delayed the transposition of the EU Directive of Whistleblower protection in the national legislation and missed the deadline – of 17 December 2021. The Law on protection of persons reporting or publicly disclosing information on breaches (the “Whistleblowing Law”) was adopted on 27 January 2023. This adoption was preceded by back-and-forth steps of all […]